1 Report
Admin Insight Site Content data source is not displaying all certified data sources
Found in Release
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Admin Insight "Site Content" data source on Tableau Cloud is not displaying all certified data sources. The count of certified data sources compared to the UI is incorrect. Even after the refresh is successful, the count is incorrect.
Steps to Reproduce
- Create a new datasource on Tableau Cloud or use an old datasource already published
- Certify the datasource (https://help.tableau.com/current/server/en-us/datasource_certified.htm)
- For the review, please set the frequency to “Daily” for a quicker data source refresh (in Settings > General > Admin Insights Update Frequency)
- Create a workbook and view from the “Site Content data source” located in the admin insights folder with the data source (https://help.tableau.com/current/online/en-us/adminview_insights_site_content.htm)
- Drag [Item Name] and [Data Source Is Certified] to Rows and publish the view.
- After the datasource refresh (as per the frequency set in step 3), see that the “Data Source Is Certified” field still returns False for the certified datasources
No current workaround at the site level.
An alternative will be to create a calculated field manually, to specifiy which datasources are certified.
Example of a certified data source named "Superstore Datasource"
IF [Item Name] = "Superstore Datasource"
THEN "Certified"
Else "Not Certified"
Reference ID17942856
1 Report