0 Reports
Uninstalling Tableau desktop or Tableau Prep uninstalls the flexera licensing service
Found in Release
2020.3 - 2024.3
Last Updated
Reference ID
If the same Major release of both Tableau Desktop and Tableau prep are installed, when one of these is uninstalled, the flexnet service is uninstalled unintentionally, which breaks the license of the other software that is still installed.
Steps to Reproduce
- Spin up Windows Server 2022
- Install Tableau Desktop 2024.3.X
- Install Tableau Prep Builder 2024.3.X
- Uninstall Tableau Prep Builder 2024.3.X
- Launch Tableau Desktop and it throws the below error:
"Internal License Error.
The product is unable to start due to an internal licensing error.
Uninstall the product and try installing again.“
- Double click on the installer for the product which is still installed
- Select the repair option
- Once complete, attempt to open the product
- The product should be back in a working state
Reference ID17913947
0 Reports