Not able to create/update StaticResources through tooling api with version 38.0 & above.

Platform / API
In Review


Nov 7, 2024

Found in Release

Winter '25

Last Updated

Nov 7, 2024

Reference ID



When creating/updating the StaticResource using the tooling api with version greater than 38.0 is causing the gack error.

Steps to Reproduce

1. Log in to the Org and Open Workbench

  - Use Workbench or any other tool that supports REST API requests.

2. Set Up POST Request for Creating a Static Resource

  - Use the following endpoint with the HTTP method set to POST:

   Endpoint: https://{mydomain}/services/data/v60.0/tooling/sobjects/StaticResource

  - Request Body:


    "Name": "testJs",

    "ContentType": "string",

    "Body": "SGVsbG8="


3. Send the Request  

  - Submit the request. You should encounter the following GACK error:

   An unexpected error occurred. Please include this ErrorId if you contact support: 19570687-429315 (1976928079)

  - Refer to Screenshot for visual reference.

Screenshot 2024-11-07 at 4.18.16 PM.png

4. Observe PATCH Request for Updating Existing Static Resource 

  - If attempting to update an existing static resource using the PATCH method, the following error occurs:


An unexpected error occurred. Please include this ErrorId if you contact support: 19570687-430257 (-614210714)

  - Refer to Screenshot for reference.

Screenshot 2024-11-07 at 4.52.27 PM.png


1. Use API Version 37 or Lower

  - When making the REST API request, set the API version to v37.0 or lower.  

  - Update your endpoint to reflect this version:


Endpoint: https://{mydomain}/services/data/v37.0/tooling/sobjects/StaticResource

2. Create the Static Resource from the Salesforce UI 

  - Instead of using the API, log in to your Salesforce org.

  - Navigate to Setup > Static Resources.

  - Click New to create the static resource directly through the UI.

Reference IDW-17123480
In Review

7 Reports

7 Reports