Pub/Sub API consumes DailyDeliveredPlatformEvents in excess of the actual number of deliveries

Platform / Eventing Platform
In Review


Dec 22, 2023

Found in Release

Spring '24

Last Updated

Dec 28, 2023

Reference ID



When using the Pub/Sub API, the number of delivered events (DailyDeliveredPlatformEvents) being used are more than what is expected, occasionally.

Steps to Reproduce

1. Set up a publish event as an example:

 1-1. Create a custom object:

 * Label: cdc

 * Plural Label: cdcs

 * Object Name: cdc

 1-2. Enable Change Data Capture for cdc__c.

2. Create publish events like this:


List<cdc__c> ccs = new List<cdc__c>();

for (Integer i=0; i<10000; i++) {

 cdc__c cc = new cdc__c();

 cc.Name = 'test_' + i;



Insert ccs;


3. Subscribe events using a subscriber's client.


4. Run the following Apex code from Developer Console.


 List<System.OrgLimit> limits = OrgLimits.getAll();

 for (System.OrgLimit aLimit: limits) {

 If(aLimit.getName() == 'DailyDeliveredPlatformEvents') {

  System.debug('Limit: ' + aLimit.getName());

  System.debug('Max Limit is: ' + aLimit.getLimit());

  System.debug('Usage Value is: ' + aLimit.getValue());




5. Check the DailyDeliveredPlatformEvents usage from the debug log.

-> You may see the value is more than 10,000.



Reference IDW-15085889
In Review

222 Reports

222 Reports